a close-up of a piano keys

Turn your Blog into a Book with Bestype Book Printing Services

April 20, 2020

Keeping a blog is a healthy way to give oneself a creative outlet. There are few things better than writing down what one knows and how they came to know it. Whether the material is read by the millions or just by family, there’s something cathartic about organizing thoughts in print that can’t be done any other way. But seeing words on a screen and feeling those same words in hand are not the same thing. If you’re thinking about turning a blog into a book, then the first step is finding a company that knows what they’re doing. See how Bestype Imaging can help make dreams a reality.

The Technical Details

It may sound easy to turn a blog into a book. After all, the words are already written and now the author just needs to find someone to bind them together. There is a lot of technical know-how though that comes from making a product that actually stands out as professional and attractive to a potential reader. There are a lot of book printing NYC companies who will claim to be able to do this for practically nothing, but it often comes with a cheap finish.

Listening to the Author

New York book printing is all about catering to what the author wants to see. If a blog uses illustrations and needs to be turned into a graphic novel, then it comes with very different expectations than someone who wants to turn it into a technical resource or manual. The beauty of blogs is that they span across practically all genres. One person wants to chronicle every fast food restaurant they try, while another person wants to talk about how they built a computer using their own custom software. Bestype Imaging offers book printing NYC services, and are here to take the ideas and present them in such a way where the author is proud to put their name on them.

Combining Printing and Design

We’re not just here to print the book, but also help create the layout that best conveys the book’s message. Whether the author has a concept in mind or not, our team can go over requests and suggest ideas that may not have been considered. Standing out on a shelf can be difficult, but having the right design can be a powerful tool when it comes to selling. Let our experts talk colors, sizes, and placement. These details matter, and we can make it happen.

Additional Bestype Services

Bestype Imaging provides New York book printing to the busy people of Manhattan, but we also do printing services of all kinds. Whether the author wants to promote the book with flyers or set up a booth at a convention center, we can get all the materials needed to look professional and approachable. Our company is dedicated to helping those out there with printing needs, and we specialize in fast turnaround printing, for when one needs to capitalize on the moment. Turn to us for any kind of digital or offset printing if need to advertise your book around the streets of Manhattan, and trust us to get it all done the first time.

Call Bestype Imaging today between the hours of 9am to 6:30pm (ET) at 212-966-6886 or email us anytime at imaging@bestype.net for book printing in NYC.

Image Credit: Unsplash @Creative Commons