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A Clooney Bestype History

April 20, 2020

Bestype Imaging has a long history in NYC & in Manhattan. Some, might even say a famous history. This little print shop that has handled everything from little copy jobs to thousands of binding documents has even been in the movies!

In the story of “Michael Clayton”, George Clooney plays a fixer type of attorney for a large law firm working a settlement case for a high-powered chemical company. In the story, the protagonist, Michael Clayton, faces a moral dilemma between doing the right thing or taking the big payout to get out from under loans owed on a failed restaurant.

Michael stumbles upon a receipt from an associate of his that leads him to the little print shop in the big financial district, Bestype Imaging, where there are thousands of copies with binding of a memo made to order.

This film dates back more than ten years ago when Bestype was a little more on the paper receipts in hand over the new and improved digital landscape it has evolved into today. The image below is George Clooney reading this old outdated receipt featuring the prominent name of the only print shop NYC should ever take their business to! Bestype Imaging!

As our latest review on Google reviews indicates, Bestype Imaging takes the utmost pride in all of the work we do.

★★★★★ 4 days ago from Mike

I have a few years of experience working for a major publishing house which showed me what is possible as far as quality, speed, customer service, and the abstract art of understanding what a client wants and interpreting it in a way that not only meets but exceeds expectations. Until Now that I manage a small business, I thought these qualities were only reserved for the big companies until I got in touch with Dane at Bestype. He has opened my eyes to what is possible even for a smaller business. He provides us with top-quality printing, lightning quick. He also provides valuable insight into other possibilities for each project that have consistently resulted in a finished product much better than I could have ever hoped for.

Bestype Imaging is located at:

285 W Broadway, New York, Ny, 10013

(212) 966-6886

Email: imaging@bestype.net